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Generating Software from Specifications WS 2013/14 - File StatementsPDL.fw

~p maximum_input_line_length = infinity

This file contains the specification of a processor
for a little programming language with variable declarations,
nested blocks, assignments, and some control-flow statements.

The following file contains correct input for the processor:
  int i;
  i = 5;
  while (i) i = 0;
  { int x; x = 21; }
  int j;
  if (j) j = 1;
  { int k; k = i;
    { k = 42; }
  { i = 42; }

The following file contains erroneous input for the processor:

The following file specifies the concrete syntax:
Program:	Block.
Block:		'{' Constructs '}'.

Constructs:	Constructs Construct / Construct.
Construct:	Declaration.
Construct:	Statement.

Declaration:	'int' VarNameDef ';'.
VarNameDef:	Identifier.

Statement:	VarNameUse '=' Expression ';' /
		'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement /
		'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement /

Expression:	VarNameUse / Number .
VarNameUse:	Identifier.

The following file specifies the non-literal tokens:
Identifier: C_IDENTIFIER
Number:     C_INTEGER

The following file specifies the abstract sxntax.
It is recommended not to add computations to these
rule instances; rather copy rules to other lido fragments
and add computations there.
RULE: Program ::= Block COMPUTE END;
RULE: Block ::= '{' Constructs '}' COMPUTE END;

RULE: Constructs ::= Constructs Construct COMPUTE END;
RULE: Constructs ::= Construct COMPUTE END;
RULE: Construct ::= Declaration COMPUTE END;
RULE: Construct ::= Statement COMPUTE END;

RULE: Declaration ::= 'int' VarNameDef ';' COMPUTE END;
RULE: VarNameDef ::= Identifier COMPUTE END;

RULE: Statement ::= VarNameUse '=' Expression ';' COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= Block COMPUTE END;

RULE: Expression ::= VarNameUse COMPUTE END;
RULE: Expression ::= Number COMPUTE END;
RULE: VarNameUse ::= Identifier COMPUTE END;

For name analysis we use the module for basic Algol-like scope rules:

Use the basic name analysis module to bind all identifier occurrences 
to keys applying Algol-like scope rules.



At each defining occurrence output its line number; 
at each using occurrence output its line number and the line number 
of the defining occurrence.



Report a message if an entity is defined more than once.
Give that message at all offending definitions.




Report a message if a use occurs before its definition.



At at every occurrence of an identifier, except the first one, output the 
line number of the previous occurrence. Definitions and uses are treated in 
the same way; it is irrelevant which entities are referenced.


Implement the "Do it once" pattern of slide GSS-4.5, and 
apply it to uses and definitions of variables, such that for each variable
at most one occurrence of either kind is printed.



The following three files implements some C functions which
may be used in the generated processor:
#include "Statements.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Statements.h"

Generiert mit Camelot | Probleme mit Camelot? | Geändert am: 24.11.2013