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Generating Software from Specifications WS 2013/14 - File Statements.fw

~p maximum_input_line_length = infinity

This file contains the specification of a processor
for a little programming language with variable declarations,
nested blocks, assignments, and some control-flow statements.

The following file contains correct input for the processor:
  int i;
  i = 5;
  while (i) i = 0;
  { int x; x = 21; }
  int j;
  if (j) j = 1;
  { int k; k = i;
    { k = 42; }
  { i = 42; }

The following file contains erroneous input for the processor:

The following file specifies the concrete syntax:
Program:	Block.
Block:		'{' Constructs '}'.

Constructs:	Constructs Construct / Construct.
Construct:	Declaration.
Construct:	Statement.

Declaration:	'int' VarNameDef ';'.
VarNameDef:	Identifier.

Statement:	VarNameUse '=' Expression ';' /
		'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement /
		'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement /

Expression:	VarNameUse / Number .
VarNameUse:	Identifier.

The following file specifies the non-literal tokens:
Identifier: C_IDENTIFIER
Number:     C_INTEGER

The following file specifies the abstract sxntax.
It is recommended not to add computations to these
rule instances; rather copy rules to other lido fragments
and add computations there.
RULE: Program ::= Block COMPUTE END;
RULE: Block ::= '{' Constructs '}' COMPUTE END;

RULE: Constructs ::= Constructs Construct COMPUTE END;
RULE: Constructs ::= Construct COMPUTE END;
RULE: Construct ::= Declaration COMPUTE END;
RULE: Construct ::= Statement COMPUTE END;

RULE: Declaration ::= 'int' VarNameDef ';' COMPUTE END;
RULE: VarNameDef ::= Identifier COMPUTE END;

RULE: Statement ::= VarNameUse '=' Expression ';' COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= 'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement COMPUTE END;
RULE: Statement ::= Block COMPUTE END;

RULE: Expression ::= VarNameUse COMPUTE END;
RULE: Expression ::= Number COMPUTE END;
RULE: VarNameUse ::= Identifier COMPUTE END;

The solutions of subtasks are to be inserted into the following

Unique numbers for statements in any order:


Deactivate the previous solution.
Unique numbers for statements in left-to-right order computed by a CHAIN:


Deactivate the previous solution.
Count occurrences of VarNameUse:


Compute nesting depth of blocks and output in the context of
a defining occurrence of a variable the depth of the surrounding block:


Produce first output at all definig occurrences of variables,
then at all applied occurrences:


The following files makes a module available that defines
the datatype CharPtr for strings and functions for string

The following three files implements some C functions which
may be used in the generated processor:
#include "Statements.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Statements.h"

Generiert mit Camelot | Probleme mit Camelot? | Geändert am: 13.11.2013