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Generating Software from Specifications WS 2013/14 - File Wrapper.fw

~p typesetter = latex
~p maximum_input_line_length = infinity
%% $Id: $

\title{A Wrapper Generator}
\author{U. Kastens}


This text contains a specification for a 
Wrapper Generator to be created using the Eli system.
The Wrapper Generator can be used to generate wrapper
classes for given types.

The input for the generator is a sequence of type names.
A C++ module is generated containing a wrapper class
for each type name. Each object of such a class wraps
a value of the type the class is created for.
A common base class, named Object, is created for all 
those wrapper classes.

This specification is written in form of a FunnelWeb file.
The documentation of FunnelWeb can be found under
FunnelWeb can create both from this file, a specification
used by Eli to create the Wrapper Generator and a documentation
that can be processed by LaTex. This technique is called
\emph+Literate Programming+.

This file contains specification fragments, written as FunnelWeb
macros, and plain text explaining them.
The documentation can be created using LaTex. For that pupose
the input for LaTex is derived by the Eli command:
the command
\verb+Wrapper.fw:fwTex:pdf+ is used to create a pdf file for it.

The generator specification is extracted automatically by Eli
from this file when Eli is asked to derive a product from it,
e.g. the executable processor using the command

The following fragment is an example for an input to the Wrapper 
Generator. It is a FunnelWeb macro which creates a file named
\verb+example+ (see FunnelWeb/Output Files).

PairPtr; "Pair.h"

The following fragment creates a file named \verb+Wrapper.con+; it is
specification of type \verb+con+. 
Specifications of that type are used to describe
the concrete syntax of the generator's input. 
In the Eli Tutorial \newline
\verb+Guide for New Eli Users/Descriptive Mechanisms Known to Eli+
those types are explained briefly, and references to documents are
given which give detailed descriptions how such specifications are

In this case specifications of concrete syntax are explained in the
document \verb+Syntactic Analysis+.

Specification:	Sequence.
Sequence:	Sequence Element / .
Element:	TypeName ';'.
Element:	FileName.
TypeName:	Identifier.
FileName:	String.

The following fragment is a specification of the type
It specifies the notation of basic symbols of the description
language. Such specifications are explained in the document
\verb+Lexical Analysis+.

Identifier: C_IDENTIFIER

The following four fragments are part of a specification of type
\verb+lido+. The names of the fragments, e.g.
\verb+FileName+ are used to collect the fragments in one
file, named \verb+Wrapper.lido+,
that is composed at the end of this file.
This is a way to decompose large specifications into
smaller fragments which each serve a single aspect.

\verb+lido+ specifications are used to describe computations
in structure trees. They are described in the documents
\verb+LIDO -- Computations in Trees+ and
\verb+LIDO - Reference Manual+.

The first fragment describes the transformation of \verb+include+
SYMBOL FileName: Include: PTGNode;
  SYNT.Include = PTGInclude (StringTable (TERM));

The second fragment describes the transformation of type names:
SYMBOL TypeName:          
         KindDef, ClassFwd, ObjectGet, ClassHead, ClassGet: PTGNode;

  SYNT.KindDef =   PTGKindDef (StringTable (TERM), THIS.KindNumber);
  SYNT.ClassFwd = PTGClassFwd (StringTable (TERM));
  SYNT.ObjectGet = PTGObjectGet (StringTable (TERM));
  SYNT.ClassHead = PTGClassHead (StringTable (TERM));
  SYNT.ClassGet =  PTGClassGet (StringTable (TERM));

The third fragment enumerates the type names:
CHAIN KindNumber: int;

SYMBOL Specification COMPUTE
  CHAINSTART HEAD.KindNumber = 1;

  THIS.KindNumber = ADD (THIS.KindNumber, 1);

The fourth fragment composes all transformation parts:
RULE: Specification LISTOF Element COMPUTE
     (CatStrStr (SRCFILE, ".h"),
        (CONSTITUENTS FileName.Include
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull),
         CONSTITUENTS TypeName.KindDef
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull),
         CONSTITUENTS TypeName.ClassFwd
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull),
         CONSTITUENTS TypeName.ObjectGet
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull),
         CONSTITUENTS TypeName.ClassHead
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull)));

     (CatStrStr (SRCFILE, ".cc"),
         CONSTITUENTS TypeName.ClassGet
           WITH (PTGNode, PTGSeq, IDENTICAL, PTGNull)));

The following fragment is a specification of type \verb+specs+.
It contains names of specifications of several types, one name per line.
Such a file comprises a set of related specifications.
The same purpose can be achieved by FunnelWeb files; however,
\verb+specs+ files do not allow documentation in literate
programming style, as FunnelWeb files do.


The following fragment is a specification of type \verb+phi+.
Definitions that are to be included in some code files 
of the generated processor are contained in files which
names end on "HEAD.phi":
#include "source.h"
(In the original assignment the file type of the above fragment
was \verb+head+. That file type is outdated, but still usable.)

The following fragment is a specification of type 
It contains definitions of patterns to create
target text usind the generator PTG.
PTG is described in the document
\verb+Pattern-based Text Generator+.

  "#include " $ string "\n"

  "#define " $ string "Kind \t" $ int "\n"

  "class " $ string "Wrapper;\n"

  "  " $1 string " get" $1 string "Value ();\n"

  "class " $1 string "Wrapper : public Object {\n"
  "    " $1 string " v;\n"
  "    " $1 string "Wrapper (" $1 string " value) "
       "{ kind = " $1 string "Kind; v = value; }\n"
  "    " $1 string " getValue () { return v; }\n"

  $1 string " Object::get" $1 string "Value () {\n"
  "      if (kind == " $1 string "Kind)\n"
  "         return ((" $1 string "Wrapper*)this)->getValue();\n"
  "      else\n"
  "         throw WrapperExcept();\n"

  "#ifndef WRAPPER_H\n"
  "#define WRAPPER_H\n\n"
  $1 /* Includes */
  "\n#define noKind      0\n"
  $2 /* KindDefs */
  $3 /* ClassFwds */
  "class Object {\n"
  "  class WrapperExcept {};\n"
  "  int getKind () { return kind; }\n"  
  $4 /* ObjectGets */
  "  int kind;\n"
  $5 /* ClassHeads */

  "#include \"" $ string ".h\"\n\n"
  $ /* ClassGets */

The following fragment collects the named four fragments into one
file named \verb+Wrapper.lido+:



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